This fun doll franchise launched in 2010 by Mattel and is making a freakishly-good return over two decades later, as Monster High's group of "somewhat different" teenagers face the world together. Draculaura is the adopted daughter of Vampire Dracula. She spent most of her childhood at the Vampire Court so she is used to being pampered. However, being a Vampire, she cannot stand in the sunlight or see her reflection in the mirror! Grab this super cool wig to complete your Draculaura look!
- Dress with satin white skirt and attached fitted pink bodice featuring two faux buttons
- Dress has long mesh sleeves with frilly white lace cuffs
- Separate lacy white choker collar attaches with velcro tab
- Black mesh short leggings
- Boot tops with 'stockings' to sit over shoes
- This is an officially licensed Monster High product